At 08:53 AM 10/4/2001 -0400, Declan McCullagh wrote:

>Not sure how *nix-savvy you are, John, but you may want to try out
>"convert." Wrapped in a simple perl or shell script, it'll take care
>of resizing to some reasonable level. 768x512 is sufficient for
>most casual viewing purposes, at least until monitor size/quality increases.

I built a thumbnail page leading to reduced-JPG-quality images from John's 
files; that's online at <>, with a 
temporary mirror at <>. That was 
finished last night, but my mails back & forth with John to coordinate the 
mirror were delayed by the need for some sleep. I left the image size alone 
because I couldn't find a good way to get convert or mogrify to do 
height/width-proportional scaling; maybe my fast read of the man page failed.

Greg Broiles
"We have found and closed the thing you watch us with." -- New Delhi street kids

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