Title: PC-Timer. A Computer timer that controls WHO uses WHAT programs for HOW long.


Click Here to try it now for FREE!

PC-Timer solves these 3 problems:

1. Limit how long a user can use a particular program:

Problem: Employers that worry that employees are surfing the ˙FFFF91net˙FFFF92 or playing games on the company's computers. They need access to their PC's, just not certain programs.
Answer: PC-TIMER!

2. Limit how long a user can use the whole computer:

Problem: Parents who want some limits on how many hours a day or week that their children can be on the computer. They want their other children to be able to log on after the first child's time limit is reached.
Answer: PC-TIMER!

3. Limit access to the computer to only certain users:

Problem: Employers have computers with sensitive data (payroll, accounting, servers, etc.) that they do not want accessed except by certain users.
Answer: PC-TIMER!
PC-Timer is a simple and effective suite of programs that installs on any PC running Windows 95/98 or ME. You decide which programs to monitor and how much time per day or week each user should have for them. You simply ˙FFFF93bank˙FFFF94 the time for every user you want to control. It˙FFFF92s easy!

Each user will log on to the Computer with their own name and unique password. PC-Timer ˙FFFF93counts down˙FFFF94 time spent in the programs you specified for each user at the Computer. When they have run out of time for that program, they are simply prompted to save their work and log off.

PC-Timer will provide 3 chances to complete your work or save your game before shutting the program down. And, our exclusive ˙FFFF93Work-Safe˙FFFF94˙FFFF99 design will even allow you to save a download if it exceeds your time budget, or save your work if you forget and go to lunch while in a timed program.

Free Download

The complete, fully operational release of PC-Timer is available for you to download with no obligation! Try it for 30 days free, and if you like it, you can register it for regular use. It can be deleted if you decide not to use it.

Frankly, if you are a businessman it will save you much more than what it costs in payroll lost to unauthorized and wasted computer activity.

And if you are a parent, PC-Timer can help you control the quantity and quality of your family˙FFFF92s computer experiences. Set up a reward or incentive program! Chores for computer/game/internet access! It˙FFFF92s up to you!

Click Here to try it now for FREE!

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