Gore Vidal once observed that thanks to the pressure applied by the Israel
Lobby in the US, there is less freedom to criticize Israel in the US than
there is to criticize Israel in Israel.

There is no greater crime in the US right now than to hint that Israel's
52 years of state terror against the Palestinians, made possible by the
United States, might have had something to do with the WTC downing and the
Pentagon denting.

Any such suggestion is instantly denounced as "Blaming the Jews for the
terrorist attacks," even if no language resembling this new favorite catch
phrase of the Zionists was uttered.

Tel Aviv needs a thermonuclear enema.

A case in point.


ONEIDA, N.Y. (AP) -- The Oneida Daily Dispatch, after getting complaints
of anti-Semitism, retracted an editorial that quoted a Pakistani as saying
Jews were to blame for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The retraction was published Thursday on the editorial page, below a
masthead that no longer contained the name of Managing Editor Jean Ryan.

The Post-Standard of Syracuse reported that Ryan and City Editor Dale
Seth, who wrote the Sept. 19 editorial, were fired Wednesday. Dispatch
Publisher Ann Campanie would not confirm the report Friday, saying it is
the paper's policy not to publicly discuss personnel matters.

"I am not working at the Oneida Daily Dispatch as of yesterday because of
repercussions from allowing the Sept. 19 editorial to be published. I am
not anti-Semitic, and anyone who knows me knows that," Ryan wrote in a
statement issued Thursday. A message left Friday for the only Jean Ryan
listed in the phone book was not immediately returned. Seth declined

The paper's three-paragraph apology said, in part, "We understand that
readers of the editorial found it offensive, poorly reasoned and based on
flawed facts. We agree with those observations."

The newspaper said it would allow a full rebuttal to be published on the
editorial page in coming days.
The Sept. 19 editorial quoted an unidentified Pakistani as blaming Jews
for the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

"The fact is that in many areas of the Middle East it is believed that
history has taught them to carry out such acts," the editorial said.
"Until 1948, there was no Israel. The United Nations took Palestinian land
and gave it to a number of Jewish terrorists to rule -- Jewish terrorists
who had bombed and killed Palestinians and others in an effort to force
hands of power to see an Israel formed. Today's freedom fighter, in many
cases, was yesterday's terrorist."
Campanie said the apology spoke for itself, and declined further comment.

Community members met with Campanie and a representative of the paper's
parent company, Journal Register Co., on Wednesday afternoon.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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