At 05:27 PM 10/19/01 -0400, Greg Newby wrote:
>How much damage could about 6 ounces of C4 do?

What do you want to do?

[1] Breach a wall: P=R^3KC
P=pounds TNT
R=breaching radius in feet, rounded to next higher 1/2 ft
K=material factor -earth is 0.05, weaker construction 0.25,
 reinforced concrete 0.70 if under 3 feet

C-4 (typ. 90% RDX) is about 1.3 x as effective as TNT.

Detonating cord has about 50 grn/ft PETN.

[1] FM-25, Dept of the Army, May 1967

Modulo (nonexistant) tamping.

Lots of fragments, though.

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