At 05:24 PM 10/19/2001 -0400, someone wrote:
>Retribution will satisfy our need for justice, but it won't make us safer 
>from terrorism.
>The terrorists have told us why they attacked America.  There are three 
>reasons.  Hint: it's not because we're wealthy and good.

If you read the CP archives a bit you'll see I am not clueless in this 
regard (e.g., the "America need therapy" thread)  I fear the maxim "Pride 
goeth before the fall" may well be nailed to our country's headstone.

>We have failed to heed George Washington's advice to avoid entangling 
>foreign alliances.  We will only be safer if we heed his advice.

The direction of all recent administrations has been to expand 
globalization (i.e., interdependency) thus increasing economic risks and 
narrowing diplomatic choices.  In the short term, and we have no idea what 
the long term consequences will be, globalization as its now practiced has 
is some ways behaved similarly to welfare state income redistribution, 
creating dependencies, poverty and resentment.

>Thanks for the link to the funny song, though.

Da nada

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