At 10:51 AM 10/26/01 -0700, j eric townsend wrote:
>AIt's been done that way for years on television vote tallies.  They never 
>use, say, purple and orange, almost always red and blue (and green, I 
>think for independents).  I'm not sure, but I think GOP has always been 
>red and Dems have always been blue.

But the colors are backwards.  As in the UK, the party of the Left should 
be Red and the party of the Right blue.

Color of communism v the color of patriotism.


"In 1776, fewer than 10% of Americans owned firearms.  This proves that the 
American gun culture of today is an evil creation of gun manufacturers and 
the NRA."
"In 1776 fewer than 10% of Americans owned a coach and four.  This proves 
that the American car culture of today is an evil creation of General 
Motors and the AAA."

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