Does anyone have a link to this article.. I cannot find it anywhere..

Jon Beets

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Cordian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 1:28 PM
Subject: Gloat on the Phone - Go to Jail

> Here's an intersting Reuters blurb on arrests made because people failed
> to grieve properly on their phone lines.
> It doesn't say how many of these intercepts were with warrants, how many
> were secret court/national security intercepts, how many were illegal, and
> how many were routed offshore to be sniffed by our allies.
> Interesting times.
> -----
> NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Among almost 1,000 people being held in the United
> States in connection with the hijacked-airliner attacks on the World Trade
> Center and the Pentagon are people who made congratulatory telephone calls
> minutes later, The New York Times reported in Sunday editions.
> Although transcripts of the phone calls have not been made available, the
> Times reports that officials have said some of the calls were
> "congratulatory, even gloating."
> These suspected associates of Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden's al
> Qaeda organization are among 977 people held on various charges related to
> the September 11 attacks, which killed almost 5,000 people in New York,
> Washington and Pennsylvania.
> The paper said it had been unable to determine whether those who made the
> jubilant calls were participants in the hijack plot or merely rejoicing
> over the attacks.
> FBI agents intercepted telephone calls, moved in and made arrests, holding
> the bulk of those arrested on immigration or criminal violations and a
> smaller group on material witness warrants, the newspaper reported.
> Their identities and those of most of the people being held have not been
> released by the Justice Department.
> The newspaper said officials would not say how many people were detained
> through the telephone intercepts, nor would they discuss evidence that any
> of them proved to be members of the group organized by bin Laden,
> Washington's prime suspect in the attacks.
> --
> Eric Michael Cordian 0+
> O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
> "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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