At 12:32 AM 11/4/01 -0800, S a n d y wrote:
>Reese wrote:
>> You didn't really read the interview,
>> did you?
>> The dumb cunt brought it on herself. 
>Yeah, just like all those other rape victims...

....Read the article/interview.

Every airline passenger is going through heightened security screening.
Dig deeper, you'll find that all airline passengers who purchase tickets 
online get flagged for bag searches (discrimination by auto-selection).

Were other green party members detained or singled out?  No.  Were other 
green party members denied air transport?  No in both cases, else we would 
have heard about that by now too, right?

One of the airport flunkies even says they'll try getting  her on the 4 pm 
flight, she plays stick in the mud a bit more and gets herself bounced out 
of the airport, so yeah, go through the park naked at 2 AM, you have no 
grounds to object if approached by someone who is naked - what you do from
there is on you.

She was not denied right to travel (as Tim thought), she was free to get 
in her car and drive to another airport, to a private plane or even all 
the way to her destination if she wanted.  She was denied the use of that
particular mode of transport at that particular time, "we" cannot ride 
horses on the freeway either.   Yes that is too a comparable example of 
denial of right to travel in the precise manner "we" want.  A true  
equestrian would not have pissed the nasty guards off, I guess greens 
think they can act haughty and snub everyone with impunity - wrong answer
(aka idealism = 0, reality = 1).

Get a clue,  S a n d y.


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