On Sat, 17 Nov 2001, Tim May wrote:

> Look, people respond to points they are interested in responding to. 
> That I didn't comment on your political point about "will to die to 
> rally our cause" point does not mean I didn't "miss the point." It just 
> is such an obvious point as to be unexceptionable.

I went fishing and here we are - the truth.

I'm not saying this to insult you.  After all christ was a fisher of
man.  The only important thing which you have written me to date is stated
above - and I quote "It just is such an obvious point as to be

Correct Tim - absolutly correct.  And why is that.  Why has this
civilization reached the point where the death of people is

And why do we as a civilized people involve ourselves in endless drivel
invoiving steal bowls while the unexception suffer.  This civilization has
become an abomination in the eyes of god and pretty well any other
civilized intellect who recognize that the unexception is in reality
a horror of vast purportions.

This civilization claims to love it's children - yet children are
massacred yearly in the thousands.  Most of it state sponsored.  

This civilization claims it loves democracy, yet we fund israelly nazis
who brutalize the palestinian people.  Obvioulsy very unexceptional - yes?

East Timor, South Arfrica ... crimes, murders, rapes - all state funded -

Now Tim your a bright boy - why do you think all of this has become
"unexceptional".  That one i'm not too sure I understand.  I suspect it
involves some conditioning for us to consider this so unexceptional.

I mean Tim - let's get real - if your mother gets raped pillaged and
pludered - i in some way doubt you would conisder that unexceptional.  So
why do we allow our governments to continue in this unexecptional way with
the mother of others?


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