On 16 Nov 2001, at 16:50, Aimee Farr wrote:
> I meant it in the sense that it sounds like they are
> talking about criminal defense lawyers.
> (i.e., "make numerous references to the US Constitution,"
> "defenders," ....etc-etc.)

Criminal defense has already been criminalized in hard to
enforce laws such as the drug laws, with a various lawyers
being busted on charges of providing competent and relevant
defense for the accused.

Government propaganda is already appearing to justify such
punishment.  While channel surfing I saw a fictional show
about a bunch of lawyers who are in danger of being disbarred
for taking drug traffickers as clients, and they are
suffering orgasms of liberal guilt about how much they
deserve punishment for accepting such terrible clients.
Presumably it is still OK for the moment to defend rapists
and murderers.

         James A. Donald

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