E-Marketing USA
Bulk Email Solutions

Email advertising WORKS!

Package 1
Bulk Email Advertise your product or website to millions for one time charge of $99.
You'll have more customers and business than you can possibly imagine.
For only $99, you will receive The Stealth Bulk E-Mailing Software,
List Manager, Over 40 Million fresh updated Email Addresses,
7 more exciting Bulk Email software downloads, and,
we supply very Special Bulletproof Mail Servers.
We have everything you need to get started.
and you can download it all today.
Please visit our website
Package 2
Bulk Friendly website hosting only $750 with no setup charge.
Hosting like this normally costs thousands per month.
Bulk Email advertise your website, worry free.
More hits and business than ever before.
Your site will never be shutdown.
This is great hosting!
More info
Package 3
Bulk Friendly POP3 mailbox rentals only $200 month.
Use this mailbox for all your bulk emailing and..
it will never be shut down.(very hard to find)
This is the last mailbox you'll ever need.
More info
Package 4
Daily (Mon-Fri) blind mail relay service.
20+ fresh mail relays every day.
Only $100 per month.
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Package 5
Everything listed above.
Only $1000 month.
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Package 6
1 Million Emails
Only $500.
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E-Marketing USA
Bulk Email Solutions

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