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Nomen wrote:

>Rather than make accusations about other people, why not eliminate the
>middleman and make accusations about yourself?  End your hypocrisy.  Say,
>"I may be sucking up to law enforcement agencies.  I may be recording
>people's browsing habits and supplying them to interested parties,
>with appropriate compensation.  I am not deserving of trust, in fact I
>may be concealing betrayal.

I don't have a problem with this at all: a symmetric lack of trust the most
honest basis for a relationship there is. Wouldn't you rather associate with
sharp-witted people who are on the ball than gullible quibblers fretting over at
what point they get to suspend their critical faculties and give you a free
pass in the name of comraderie?

Trust is overrated. Anyone who asks for it without earning it is either a fool
or a huckster. Either way, asking for it is a sure sign it shouldn't be given.
Where do you imagine the term "confidence artist" came from, anyway. 

>  Nothing I have done in the past should be
>interpreted in any way to assume that I will not change in the future
>and begin selling out my friends and those who rely on me."
>You believe that this is the attitude we should take towards you, don't
>you?  Why not come forward and say it.  If you don't think we should
>trust you, say so.  If you don't think you deserve our trust, admit it.

So be it: Whatever I have to say about it is quite irrelevant--it shouldn't be 
my place to do your thinking for you. What you do trumps what you say every
time, so it's really a non-issue. If you don't know enough about what I do to
decide for yourself, what possible difference could my reassuring you what a
good little girl I really am make. So no, I don't want your blind trust at all.

>You don't need to search out other people's flaws when your own are so
>much closer at hand.

Where's the flaw in saying trust should be more than an empty word. 


The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.
- --William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court

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