On 30 Nov 2001, at 21:21, mattd wrote:
> "libertarian socialist" is an oxymoron." Like
> anarcho-capitalist?

Anarcho capitalism corresponds to what any normal person
would call anarchy -- see for example my web page "Brief
explanation of anarcho capitalism"

Explanations of "anarcho" socialism are evasive, euphemistic
and full of equivocations.  When they go into detail, for
example par-econ, they describe in pleasant sounding words a
system more centralized and authoritarian in form and theory
than Stalin's was in form and theory, and often more
centralized and authoritarian even in theory than Maoism was
in actual practice.

If we go back to before 1936 there were various unclear,
confused, self contradictory, but undeniably sincere
proposals as to how to implement anarcho socialism.  Then
disaster struck. They actually had a go at it, with entirely
predictable results.  The contradiction between socialism and
anarchism was demonstrated with the usual rivers of blood.
Some became disillusioned.  Some reinterpreted their now
inconvenient past positions as standard socialism. 

         James A. Donald

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