OUTBOUND traffic is what I meant, of course :)

Although, comedy aside, there's an interesting point herein: even a 
lot of traffic that you would normally assume would be intra-Western 
Europe traffic actually crosses into U.S. NAPs -- counterintuitively 
stupid, I know, but it happens more than you might imagine, 
especially for corporate traffic of multinationals and traffic 
inbound/outbound for webhosting companies that are European but in 
reality are getting their pipes from U.S. ISPs.

The same is true of PacRim traffic too, btw (in some cases, even more 
so -- a large percentage of Hong Kong to Australia traffic goes 
through the U.S., for example) -- although of course PacRim traffic 
is not covered by this agreement.

> > The full text is at
> > http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/WhatYouWant.asp?NT=185
> > 
> > Note that no signatories have signed, and it requires at least 5 
> > sign before going into force.
> > 
> > This is interesting because basically all of Western Europe's IP
> > traffic crosses the U.S. at some point, 
> Que?
> Tracing route to members.ams.chello.nl []
> over a maximum of 30 hops:
>   1   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms
>   2   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms
>   3   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms
>   4    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms
>   5   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms
>   6    30 ms    20 ms    20 ms  ulcc-gsr.lmn.net.uk []
>   7   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms  london-bar1.ja.net []
>   8   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms  linx-gw.ja.net []
>   9   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms  LINXRT1.chello.com []
>  10    30 ms    30 ms    20 ms  uk-lon-rc-02-pos-5-
> [213.46.1
> 60.57]
>  11    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms  nl-ams-rc-01-pos-0-
> [213.46.1
> 60.9]
>  12    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms  nl-ams-rd-01-pos-1-
> [213.46.1
> 60.14]
>  13    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms  pos15-0.am00rt06.brain.upc.nl
> []
>  14    20 ms    30 ms    20 ms  srp10-0.am00rt02.brain.upc.nl
> []
>  15    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms  srp0-0.am00rt03.brain.upc.nl
> []
>  16    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms  gig3-0-0.h0rtr1.a2000.nl 
>  17    10 ms    10 ms    10 ms  members.ams.chello.nl []
> Trace complete.
> <br>

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