One of the improvised weapons of choice these days is LPG bombs and
mortars.Im not an urbane guerrilla(yet) but does anyone want to condense
something out of this?

PDF] Code of Practice on the Use of LPG for the Production of ...
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... 4.3.4 All LPG mortars shall be clearly marked ... known as black powder
bombs. Liquefied
petroleum gas ( ) , as ... to in paragraph (a). LPG ( ) , an abbreviation
for ... - Similar pages
[PDF] Code of Practice on the Use, Storage and Conveyance of ...
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... the Code of Practice on the Use of LPG for the Production of Special
Effects (CP2 ... shall
not be used for concussion mortars or flash pots. 2.7.6 Binary ... - Similar pages
[ More results from ]
Rediff on the Net: India Online News Information ...
... and not country-made bombs -- were used. ... More. ... rocket launchers
and heavy mortars
-- to the area. ... More. ... tearing hurry to unload LPG as they were
already ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
... Width X Depth. Aircraft (assorted bombs), 4" X 6". 2-3 ... 10, 8, 6, 8
/ 7 / 6. < < <
< < Mortars and guns under 90mm. ... Roll 1D6 for Soviet 73mm LPG on BMP1's
Failure to
KO ... - 32k - Cached -
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Code of Pratice LPG
... 4.3.4, All LPG mortars shall be clearly marked with the maximum ...
Lifters are also
known as black powder bombs. ... LPG (%[*o.p), an abbreviation for
liquefied ... - 101k - Cached -
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[DOC] Figure 3-9
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... It produced liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), fuels, petroleum coke ...
forces using rockets,
bombs, artillery, machine gun tracers, and mortars on six occasions ...
Appendix%20Q.doc - Similar pages

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