James A. Donald:
 > > "Chomsky is a long exposed commie liar, and if CNN was
 > > not commie enough  for him, that is because Stalin was
 > > not commie enough for him."

 > Any discriminating cypherpunk who reads chomskys
 > ,'Objectivity and liberal scholarship". and views jamesd's
 > website on spain will see who the liar is.

As evidence for the truthfullness of Chomsky you cite ----


You say you've checked [Chomsky's] sources and found them
 > lacking.

And I have given numerous examples, to which no one has
replied, except as mattd has recently done -- by citing
Chomsky as evidence for the truthfulness of Chomsky, much
after the fashion of a Christian who cites the bible as proof
of the divinity of Jesus, and Jesus as proof of the
infallibility of the bible.

As evidence for the truth on spain I prefer chompsky to james and I suggest 
that like to pose as 'anarchists' and espouse crypto-'anarchy' compare and 

Jamesd is a latter day roy cohn.(and royal con)and I repeat " Any 
discriminating cypherpunk who reads chomskys
 > ,'Objectivity and liberal scholarship". and views jamesd's
 > website on spain will see who the liar is.

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