The trouble is that a lot of socialists call themselves
anarchists either as a simple cynical lie:
(parody of standard commie liar)
: : "This time the state really will wither away.
: : Trust us. We are different. Once we have total
: : power over you and yours you will love it."(jamesd,extract)

Yes,so? They are quite easy to expose and I pursue chomsky,Klein and others 
to pin them down.

(mattd extract)

The above is about 1 week old ,(Ive made  progress in tracing links between
klein and chompsky with the ISO.)

Well now jamesd comes up with..."except as mattd has recently done -- by citing
Chomsky as evidence for the truthfulness of Chomsky, much
after the fashion of a Christian who cites the bible as proof
of the divinity of Jesus, and Jesus as proof of the
infallibility of the bible."

When all Id done was ask cypherpunks to compare and contrast jamesd and 
chompsky on the specific
question of spain.
Those using the word anarchy might have some interest as might those 
wondering about the truthfulness (or sanity)
of cypherpunks regular jamesd.

I might just say at this point that I dont cite jim bell in the fashion of 
a christian...etc or indeed anyone.Im a skeptic as well as an 
anarchist."good business is where you find it"

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