On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:

> At 11:16 PM 12/10/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> >And no, a meritocracy isn't disriminatory. You get what you put into it,
> >not what somebody else thinks it's worth.
> Merit is inevitably judged by "somebody else".  And discriminating
> on the basis of merit is tautologically discriminatory.

Actually 'merit' isn't. Merit is measured in a meritocracy by the efficacy
of the solution. That's a TECHNICAL measure, not emotional or social.

Discrimination is inherently ILLOGICAL (ie emotional), which puts it in
direct odds with the concept of 'merit'.

Further, a meritocracy makes judgements about worth based on the solution
not the source. Source filtering is inherent in discrimination, hence they
can't be synonymous or layered.

> D'oh.

Doh indeed.


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