There's also a blacklist on the Web of people in academia who have
publicly stated less than glowing support for Bush's war against "evil."

McCarthyism meets Wounded Knee meets Mike Echols. :)


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- A University of New Mexico history professor who
joked in class about the Sept. 11 attacks has been barred from teaching
freshmen for now, the school said Monday.

Professor Richard Berthold will also get a letter of reprimand and undergo
review, said Brian L. Foster, university provost.

The 55-year-old tenured professor told a freshman history class just after
the attacks that "anyone who can blow up the Pentagon has my vote."

Berthold has apologized for his comment, which he called "an incredibly
stupid joke." He did not immediately return a phone call Monday.

Berthold stayed off campus for a brief period while police investigated
obscene and threatening calls to the history department. He also said he
was assaulted in front of his home.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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