You make a good argument for dropping the non_U.S. only restriction. 
The risk may be worth the benefits of kernel integration.  That could 
result in wider corporate use of IPSec to fight real security threats 
and make it much more difficult, politically, to suppress.

My point was just that one cannot rely on the U.S. courts striking 
down any future crypto regulations. They should and I hope they 
would, but it not a sure thing. The most recent ruling is not 
favorable. I also wouldn't underestimate the U.S. government's 
ability to stifle crypto development if they choose to do so and get 
a green light from the courts.  Note today's Warez crackdown.

Maybe there is some compromise possible where a core crypto library 
is kept free of U.S. contributions?

Arnold Reinhold

At 10:27 AM -0800 12/11/01, Dima Holodovich wrote:
>On Tuesday 11 December 2001 06:29 am, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
>> Having a body of open source crypto software that is not entangled by
>> any U.S. input is not a foolish idea.
>Not when the body of software is critical for Linux and the
>widespread use of IPSec.  If you want widespread adoption
>of IPSec in Linux, it needs to be in Linus' kernel.  In order
>for this to happen, it is necessary for Linus and other people
>physically located in the United States need to be able to
>to contribute.  Once Freeswan is in Linus' kernel, it will
>receive greater contribution and testing from both *inside*
>AND *outside* the United States.
>IMO:  The current Freeswan policy *encourages* law makers to
>change the laws.  Many companies have an invested interest
>in Linux.  Those companies are willing to spend lots of
>money on lawyers to protect Linux.  If IPSec is not part of
>Linux and is not in widespread Linux use, those companies
>will not have the need to defend us.  We'll have kept crypto
>out of the hands of the people all on our own -- without
>the government's help.
>Do you really think that great programs like GNU Privacy
>Guard are going to magically disappear if the US government
>changes their regulations?  Can they magically be erased
>from the net, just because some US contributions were
>- Dima
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