At 05:10 PM 12/13/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
>Which is beside your point. Your statement was that the government didn't
>do ANY identification for ANY of the soldiers in WWII. Patently wrong.
>Quit trying to change the rules in the middle of the game.

>AFTER the war started, not before. When the initial draft was executed it
>was for 21-25 year old males only. They were required to register so that
>the government knew who was getting drafted. That qualifies as
>'identification' and is proof contrary to your assertion.

There's a difference between registering for the Draft or signing 
enlistment papers and proving your identity.  I contend that proof of 
identity was not required for US military service in WWII.  I'll 
investigate further and see what I can come up with about the enlistment 


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