This is pretty funny. As you'll see in Part V, I got tipped off to the
case by Crime Victims for a Just Society. As for the rest, well, I posted
a bunch of court documents on; read them for yourself and
make up your own mind.


On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 07:50:24PM +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Declan McCullagh has been producing a one-sided series about a child
> pornographer's supposedly unjust indictment,
>,1283,49132,00.html.  Of course
> everything the pornographer says is taken as gospel, while the police
> are filthy liars.  In fact they have gone so far as to plant child porn
> onto the computer in order to gain a conviction, in McCullagh's twisted
> narrative.  Missing from this tidy story is the cost-benefit analysis from
> the part of the evil policeman.  He has supposedly committed a felony
> that could lead to decades in prison, just to avoid the difficulty of
> handing the computer back with an apology, which happens all the time
> in police work.
> The real issue for cypherpunks is of course whether there is any connection
> between the child pornographer, Larry Benedict, and the local cypherpunk
> pedophile who uses the pseudonym Eric Michael Cordian.  Is it possible
> that Cordian and Benedict are one and the same?  And that Benedict would
> use his cypherpunk connections as Cordian to get McCullagh to produce this
> whitewash?  How else did McCullagh get drawn into the seedy world of child
> pornography trading rings?
> Enquiring minds want to know!

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