In the film "wag the dog",the producer who wants the credit gets the 
chop.One nod from Conrad and "jesus,mary and joseph!,dustin hoffman gets 
the chop.I was thinking about the crook dustin played in "straight 
time",while the CJ drama blew up.He's a gritty little bugger who gets 
rousted by a pudgy PO and blamed for a neighbors roach,busted back to county.
When finally released,after the entire demeaning process,he takes fantastic 
revenge,cuffing the ugly PO to a centre strip light pole with his pants 
down! Its quite a good film with teresa russell and harry dean stanton,it 
looks better in B+W.too.
We may learn a lot from hollywood.Like the producer who made two memo's for 
each movie,butt covering as artform.
Then theres "the player".threats persist after you kill david Kahane? Dont 
sweat on it,script it!
In spite of there not being many good movies lately,the assassination 
politics story is writing itself.kurt prochnow might be better to play me 
than mal.G.There's a distinct lack of luv interest so far and this is a 
fatal weakness I propose to try and remedy ASAP.Honeytrap me mossad,pleeze!
We know from certain *barium* emissions that the state is watching us in 
deadly earnest.We also know by timmies smug self satisfaction.(thats 
getting beyond obnoxious timmy btw) that he,at least,thinks *its*TM is a 
slam dunk.OK lets ask some ladies in the room.We all have to share the 
world and according to agent faustine should worry about each others rights.
Im not allergic to that idea,as long as we all know that truth and rec 
commissions wont cut it, we should come to some arrangements to ease into 
anarchy with the minimal amount of future shock.-For the sake of the 
children.-Im asking jessica S,dorothy if shes not to busy and mary (fbi) to 
come out from behind the curtain.(you dont want to be mistaken for rats,do 
you?) Come out and lets play with these concepts,boil them down for the 
dumb dumbs in high places and farm them out to the PR firms,SF writers,star 
trek script writers and hairdressers that shape the consciousness of world 
culture,such as it is.Theres no future in negativity,fortunately!

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