The Big Bang was a fizzle.Like the 1st ashes series of cricket and the 
first flight by harry Houdini,it happened near Sunbury
,victoria,au.People began a system of barter.Bob would do a few hours work 
for alice and earn Barter Units of Money at the rate pegged to the 
dollar.This system grew organically and exponentially to the point where 
the treasurer,Peter fuckface costello stepped in and ruled that these BUMs 
(I forget what they where called) would be taxed at the rate of 1 to the 
Thus nipping the experiment,that directly threatened the state, in the 
bud.Since then we have APster so I believe we should try again.Ryan sounds 
like he might be the "forth man"to do this.I wish him well.Use the 
force,ryan,the APster force.

"No complex system was ever written from scratch. It always
started out as a simple system that was patched
incrementally. "chairman jamesd.

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