> > > Ahwell! Still if you want to lump stalinists,trots and
> > > anarchs together

James A. Donald:
> > The difference between Stalinists and Trots is that the
> > Trots were from the beginning more extreme, more brutal,
> > and more contemptuous of ordinary Russians. The original
> > point of dispute between Stalin and Trotsky was that
> > Trotsky though Stalin was too soft on the kulaks.

> Spain,jamesd,I thought we were talking about SPAIN! I know
> a bit about Trotsky's russian background,the betrayal of
> Makhno and Krondstadt,Its a huge separate issue

The Trots I encountered in Australia seemed remarkably
similar to the Trotsky that I found in the history books.
Perhaps that is why they called themselves Trotskyists.

The story of the Russian radical left is full of hypocrisy,
betrayal and murder. The story of the Catalonian radical left
is also full of very similar hypocrisy, betrayal and murder,
with the added twist that in Catalonia the anarchist
nomenclatura was sold by the anarchist leadership into the
hands of their enemies.

> There are major differences with real live anarchists and
> "commies".Trust me on this.I've attacked N.Klein and
> N.Chompsky myself for playing footsie with the
> ISO,degenerate MLers.Lump everyone together and you only
> fool yourself.

The differences that seem so big and important from the
inside, are small from the outside.  I notice that you
approvingly cite Huben's FAQ, whose central argument is that
the federal government is the rightful owner of everything in
the USA.

James A. Donald:
> > but after the incompatibility between anarchism and
> > socialism was demonstrated in 1936-1938

> By jamesd,sole expert on spanish
> anarcho-commie-fascism.Yeah right.

The abrupt change in the "anarchist" program after 1938
demonstrates that they saw, you see, what I saw. 

         James A. Donald

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