John Young writes:

> "The Western conceit that its culture is so superior that it
> must impose it on others through missionary campaigns
> now many centuries old, through economic policies, through 
> eduation, through foreign policies, through military enforcement,
> and through disparagement of other cultures, has bred a
> deep seated anger toward the prime exporters, the idea
> supremacists of state, church and family."

F. Marc de Piolenc writes:

> A pity to see terrorist propaganda taken up in this place where reality
> should prevail.

> Western culture stopped spreading by force before WWII, but it's still
> in demand. Guess what - it IS superior! Not surprisingly, cultures based
> on individual rights and the cultivation of reason are more effective
> than those based on conformity and superstition. Sorry if you don't like
> that, but it's true. And it is that ineluctable FACT that the fanatics
> of 9/11 hate. They hate the fact that the people they want to control
> like our culture better.

Is there objective evidence for one of these propositions or the

Is Western culture being imposed on others, or did that stop before

Is there deep seated anger toward the prime exporters of Western
culture, or do those people like it better?

Is the hate or anger deep seated, or is it driven by the fanatics who
want to control?

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