----- Original Message -----
From: "Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 8:00 PM
Subject: Afghans Demand End to Bombing

>    Heard on the news tonight that the "interim Afghan government" was
> demanding an end to the bombing in 3 days, and that all troops
> leave in 6 months.

Can you show a reference to this?  Everything I read today said tribal
leaders from the Paktia province were wanting the bombing to stop... I read
nothing about the interim government stating it...

> Some US general asshole then announced from
> Dubbya's ranch in Texass that "we will decide when we'll stop
> bombing, and nobody else" and Dubbya says the troops will be
> there for a long time.

That "general asshole" has been the one running the compaign in afghanistan.
And yes he is correct that we will be the ones to decide when the bombing
stops.. After all are'nt we the ones who decided when it would start...

Again I still hav'nt seen a reference where Bush stated our troops will be
there for a long time.. He did say the war on terrorism will last a long
time but where did he explicitly say they would be in Afghanistan for along

>   I love it -- won't it be fun when the Afghans all start
> killing Yanks? Anybody want to bet on how long it will
> be before the first Americans are killed by non-Taliban
> Afghans?

No it won't... But then again doubt it would go that far... There might be
the individual psychopath such as yourself.. But on a whole I would say it
wont happen...

Jon Beets

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