> ----------
> From:         Steve Schear[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         Sunday, December 30, 2001 5:32 PM
> To:   Lucky Green
> Subject:      Re: End-to-end encrypting US GSM phones?
> At 09:19 PM 12/30/2001 +0100, you wrote:
> >On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Ryan Lackey wrote:
> >
> > > I'm unclear why Lucky dislikes the Sectra Tiger (www.sectra.se); the
> > > key management is not what I'd like, but seems designed specifically
> > > for hierarchical military or corporate organizations, which is the
> only 
> > viable
> > > market for a EUR 2500 encrypting cellphone.
> >
> >The reason why I have little faith in the Sectra Tiger is because I
> talked
> >with one of Sectra's head cryptographers. Below is a brief recap of the
> >conversation:
> <recap with clueless crypto engineer deleted>
> OK, so why don't we pool our funds to encourage the reverse engineering
> and 
> release of source code to a popular PCS/GSM phone which can be readily 
> re-flashed and with sufficient resources (or easily augmented) to handle 
> this app? I'll donate $100 e-gold to get the fund going.  I'll establish a
> publicly viewable e-gold account to hold other contributions.  The account
> access key can be secret shared among a few fellow CPs.
> steve
Ryan suggested earlier that the Ipaq with Fireball isn't up to the task.
I don't think this is correct. I point you to


in which some Stanford students produce a wireless ipaq2ipaq
VoIP system. Biggest problem is that it's simplex, not because
of cpu limitations but rather that the Compaq HW can listen or
make noise, but not both simultaneously. Using a headset which
interfaces through the expansion port might enable you to 
avoid this problem (and the BT headset could also offload the
codec). A 206 MHz Ipaq would, I think have sufficient HP to 
do the crypto.

I've toyed with the idea of porting SpeakFreely to Ipaq, but have
not actually done anything at this point.

I've x-posted to coderpunks, since that group is more germane.
Serious further discussion should be over there, IMHO.

Peter Trei

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