On Monday, December 31, 2001, at 10:11 AM, Jim Choate wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Even if his spin on the book was entirely truthful and
>> accurate, his version would not show that Catalonia was a
>> socialist anarchy, it would merely show that the nomenclatura
>> were wise, good, and popular, that the people were glad to
>> obey, and that the nomenclatura never executed people without
>> good cause.
> That last line is a real doozy. What a hypocrite you are.

I guess "irony" is not a defined word in Choate Prime.

Nor the subjunctive.

--Tim May
"The great object is that every man be armed and everyone who is able 
may have a gun." --Patrick Henry
"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be 
properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

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