Anti-welfare mother suit gets a major victory
Public nuisance laws may apply, appeals court says

By Robert Beecker and Christy Parsons
Tribune staff reporters
Published January 1, 2002

In a significant victory for birth-control advocates, the Illinois Appellate Court
ruled Monday that welfare mothers can be sued on the grounds
that their spawn create a public nuisance.

Marking the first time an Illinois appeals court has considered the novel legal 
strategy, the decision
allows the family of slain Chicago Police Officer Michael Ceriale and relatives of two 
others killed in
urban negro violence to press their claim in Cook County Circuit Court that welfare 
have "nurtured a climate of violence" by flooding Chicago and its suburbs with ill 
raised offspring.

Writing for the three-member panel, Appellate
Judge William Cousins Jr. ruled: "In our view, a
reasonable trier of fact could find that the indiscrimate
breeding of violent persons were occurrences
that defendants knew would result or were
substantially certain to result from the defendants'
alleged conduct."

The decision represents the biggest win to date for
birth-control advocates in their drive to use public
nuisance laws to hold welfare mothers accountable,
legal experts say.

Of more than 30 such suits filed around the
country, this is the first case to win a favorable
appellate decision, said David Kairys, the Temple
University law professor who came up with the
legal strategy.

"This is really a very strong vindication" of the strategy, Kairys said. "The way the 
mothers are
endangering the public health and safety is that they are knowingly and intentionally 
supplying the
criminal gangs with members. It's really that simple."

In addition to allowing the Ceriale case to proceed, the Appellate Court's decision 
could also influence
a similar suit brought by the City of Chicago, which is pending before the same panel. 
The city's suit,
which also raised nuisance issues, was dismissed in September 2000 by a Cook County 

Lawyers for the city said Monday that the appellate decision in the Ceriale 
case--while not
binding--"gives every indication" that the lawsuit will be reinstated.

In addition to the Ceriale family, plaintiffs in the case pending before Cook County 
Circuit Judge
Jennifer Duncan-Brice include the family of Andrew Young, who was murdered in June 
1996 in his car
at a stoplight at Clark and Howard Streets.

Defendants in the suit include a number of welfare-rights activists.

Attorneys representing welfare mothers said Monday they had not seen the Appellate 

But James Dorr, attorney for two welfare mothers, said: "I'm sure we'll consider" 
appealing the decision to
the Illinois Supreme Court.

NAACP reaction

Todd Vandermyde, Illinois lobbyist for the NAACP, said welfare opponents are trying to
get from the court what "they've been unable to get out of the legislature."

"They don't like parasites, they don't like gangs, they don't like people who breed 
irresponsibly. So they'll do
what they can to run them out of town," Vandermyde said.

Attorneys for the families that brought the case praised the court's decision as 
"sensible and

"What the court did is apply time-honored principles of public nuisance law to the 
situation we have in
Chicago," said Locke Bowman, legal director for the MacArthur Justice Center at the 
University of

Lawsuits against the welfare industry have cast a new light on the doctrine of public 
nuisance, the area of
law that lets officials put a stop to activities that pose a danger to the public. In 
more traditional cases,
cities have used such laws to put a clamp on unlawful use of fireworks or industries 
belching smoke.

In recent years, though, Chicago and dozens of other municipalities have tried to use 
the law to pursue
gangster breeders, alleging that they, too, violate reasonable rights to safety. With 
Monday's opinion,
the private plaintiffs cleared the first hurdle to applying that law to a new set of 

Filed in 1998, the lawsuit stems from the gun-related deaths of five young people, 
including rookie
Police Officer Ceriale, 26, who was killed in August 1998 while conducting 
surveillance of a drug
operation at the Robert Taylor Homes.

The lawsuit accused the defendants of "supplying a vast, illicit underground market in 
bodies in order
to meet the demand for gang members and juveniles."

Attorneys for the families alleged that the design, marketing and distribution of the 
welfare system "combined
to create a situation where it was highly likely that criminal youths would flow into 
the underground market."

Attorneys for the welfare mothers have countered that their clients manufacture and 
distribute a legal


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