Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 00:08:38 -0600
From: nnburk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Planetscape Enterprises
X-Accept-Language: en,ru
To: Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Magic Lantern - The FBI's viral key-logger

Please feel free to distribute this far and wide:
Magic Lantern - The FBI's viral key-logger

- The Latest -

<>[ISN] FBI confirms
"Magic Lantern" project exists

<>[ISN] Infamous hacker
group helps the Feds

<>Re: [ISN] Infamous
hacker group helps the Feds - cDc calls announcement "satire"

<>Re: [ISN] Infamous
hacker group helps the Feds

<>[ISN] DIRT-Magic
Lantern Firm Barred from Gov Work

<>FBI may be getting
full benefit of Magic Lantern... from BadTrans.B
[ISN] FBI surveillance bonanza in BadTrans.B worm

<>From the "We don't need no
stinkin' oversight" dept.:
Politech: FBI refuses to tell Congress aide about "classified" Magic Lantern

Security, Homeland Profits
Technology Already in the Hands of Law Enforcement

<>FBI Software
Records Each Keystroke

<>Software Firms
Object to FBI Eavesdropping

Scarfo, Phase 2: a.k.a. "Magic Lantern"
CYBERSECURITY - Threat of Terrorism on U.S. Infrastructure (

What is Magic Lantern?

<>FBI software cracks encryption wall
‘Magic Lantern’ part of new ‘Enhanced Carnivore Project’

Carnivore (and 'Enhanced Carnivore') FOIA Documents

News: FBI's magic revealed as old tricks

I Is Building a 'Magic Lantern' (

I Develops Eavesdropping Tools (
McAfee sides with FBI against customers on "Magic Lantern"

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
FBI reportedly creating "Magic Lantern" anti-crypto virus

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
McAfee sides with FBI against customers on "Magic Lantern"

<>The Spy in Your Computer? (.mp3)
from Fact Squad Radio

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
Has McAfee sided with FBI on "Magic Lantern" detection?

for NAI in Germany disputes the Washington Post article
from the German news site "Heise Online"

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
McAfee replies -- by denying any FBI contacts of any sort

c+lantern%22>"Magic Lantern" Discussion
from Dave Farber's Interesting-People elist

McCullagh's Politech
Background on McAfee/NAI

<,2100,48648,00.html>Wired News Summary
'Lantern' Backdoor Flap Rages, By Declan McCullagh

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
AP's Ted Bridis replies to McAfee: "I stand by my reporting"

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
McAfee broadens denial: No contact with government of any sort

<>AV vendors split
over FBI Trojan snoops

<>Declan McCullagh's Politech
Symantec pledges to acquiese to FBI backdoor demands

Summary re: "Magic Lantern"

<>FBI 'Magic
Lantern' reality check (original article picked up by ISN, below)

<>[ISN] Magic Lantern
reality check

snoop tool old hat for hackers

ing - The FBI knows what you're typing

us firms: FBI loophole is out of line

irus Firms Say They Won't Create FBI Loophole

<>Politech: Symantec, McAfee
backpedal furiously on espionage enabled-software

<>Politech: More on Symantec,
McAfee, loopholes, and espionage-enabled 'ware

us firms balk at FBI loophole

Existence of Magic Lantern Confirmed by FBI

confirms "Magic Lantern" project exists

confirms Net spying tool exists

<>Infamous hacker group helps the Feds
[this one may be nothing more than humor or hoax... on the other
hand, the related article: <>Back
Orifice just a phantom seems (at first glance) to be consistent with
other articles regarding BO2K.]

Magic Lantern's Closest Relatives?

<,,t269-s2072609,00.html>ZDNet: Back Orifice 2.0

<>Back Orifice
(incorrectly referred to in this article as "Back Office") and other

<>Back Orifice just a phantom

<>D.I.R.T. - A prototype for Magic Lantern?

<>Or is D.I.R.T. a S.C.A.M?

<>Dirty Secrets 2 - Data
Interception by Remote Transmission

<>D.I.R.T. being used to grab PGP keys as
early as 1998

<>Ghost - A Software Keylogger

<>KEYKatcher - Hardware Keyloggers

Can we trust LEAs?

<>Illegal LAPD wiretaps -- for
shame! by John Gilmore

<>More on LAPD and illegal wiretaps

<>Will the
Government Know What You Type?

>The Privacy Snatchers

<>The Electronic Privacy
Information Center's extensive resources on wiretapping cases

<>US Ambassador on Corruption
Within Security Forces

<>First, brand all the children...
By Brock N. Meeks

Potential ways to detect (or protect against) Magic Lantern?


Protect or PC Security Guard
Warning: This page contains a possible "web bug" per Bugnosis

<>Integrity Master from Stiller Research

<>OpenAntiVirus Project

<>GnuPG (The GNU Privacy Guard)

<>Jetico's BestCrypt

<>Evidence Eliminator

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