Anonymous wrote:
> At 03:27 PM 1/2/02 -0500, Faustine wrote:
> >Concealed carry it the only way to go, after I iron all the permits out.
> What state do you live in?

    Hoboy! Want to know her address as well?

> >I'm a firm believer in mobile preparedeness: in fact, every day I never leave
> >home without carrying a complete BOB concealed in a Kate Spade bag. And I mean
> >fucking EVERYTHING, the true survivalist nutcase works: first aid kit, emergency
> >rations, flashlight, space blanket, poncho liner, magnesium fire starter, water
> >purifying tabs, mini-entrenching tool, Swiss army knife, NIOSH-95 filter mask,
> >nitrile gloves, monocular, grundig shortwave, passport, etc etc. (Full contents
> >available on request, it would take awhile!)
> Your claimed paranoia level goes is beyond most former Intel physicists'.
> Have you discussed this with your psychiatrist/handlers?

    Are you kidding? That's not much different than what lot's of people
carry around in their car trunk. And pretty reasonable for anyone in
today's world -- especially if you're hanging around in a soft target
like NY or DC. In fact, if you are in either of the above cities and
aren't doing likewise, I guess that's just the darwinian/stupidity
factor proving itself, eh? 

Harmon Seaver

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