>>But when someone referred to Friedman's essays on Icelandic anarchy,
it didn't draw the blanks I think we now see<<

Taken from an april 01 post by Fried man fan,May.

See http://www.hi.is/~bthru/ritgerd.htm for Ordered Anarchy, State, And 
Rent-Seeking: The Icelandic Commonwealth,
Birgir T. Runolfsson Solvason's PhD thesis.
        "I will not discuss my dissatisfaction with some
        political interpretations that I do not think are justified; such as 
claiming that the Commonwealth is an example of libertarianism or
        anarcho-capitalism in practice (see Friedman 1989a;1989b). This
        interpretation of the Commonwealth is not warranted, and the reasons
        for why it is not, will become apparent in this thesis."
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/secF9.html  for Is Medieval 
Iceland an example of "anarcho"-capitalism working in practice?
An excellent left-libertarian refutation of this position.  Part of
        An Anarchist FAQ Webpage.
        Some rebuttals are available at David Friedman's home page.(end)

Apart from demolishing most libertarian *logic*, david seems to be shooting 

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