On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 07:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:

> Petro spoke:
>> There are 3 cases why one would keep a loaded firearm in the house
>> for self defense--well, at least three, but three general cases is all I
>> can think of off the top of my head:
>    Why wouldn't you keep loaded guns in the house? Guns should always be

        Convenience. In order to shoot them, I have to transport them to the 
range. It is illegal to transport them loaded, so to shoot them, I'd have 
to unload them, then load them.
> and always will be. If you raise your kids to be stupid about loaded
> guns, or any other dangerous tool -- well, I guess Darwin had a point.

        Who says I have kids living here?

"Those without creative minds and agile fingers are of course
welcome to hurry up with my fries. And they'll probably use
a GUI to take my order, too."
- Tom Christiansen

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