>>Last week in the UK
there was a story about a woman being murdered for her cell phone, of all
things. Who in their right mind would rely on scum criminals to play by the
same middle-class standards of behavior as they normally do? <<

Scum criminals are all lower than middle class? None are ever higher?

 >>So if you don't
know if your robber will take your life for something as absolutely trivial as
your athletic shoes, surely defending yourself by killing them first when
they're trying to steal your PC or TV is warranted.<<

Justine making a Goetz of herself.You go girl.

 >>Mainly it's going to make vengeance easier for people who lack a sufficient
level of commitment to the idea of taking responsibility for going all the way

Cos they dont want to do the time? And why should they if its self defence?

  >>I hate to break this to you, but people hire contract killers every
single day.<<

Join the Army.Be all you can be.Good business is where you find it.

  >>For example, any lard-assed schizophrenic coward parasitically sponging 
in a foreign country can push a few keys and put a four-dollar bounty on my
head online;<<

Cowards dont publish their name and address and stand behind their words.I 
am wrong sometimes but am available to be criticized and/or corrected.Id 
love to get the bounty on that lard assed drugs and arms 
merchant,Armitage,up to 4$
Being selected for ad hominum's from you and that goon Maurice warms the 
cockles of my sweet,sweet heart.

 >>but it would take someone of a far hardier breed to get organized
and lay out the $5000 bucks for a halfway decent hit man. (data point from
personal experience: I used to know a woman who dated one.)<<

No one cares spit about you babe.That govt behind you is going down though.

 >>Crypto-anarchy notwithstanding, I don't think any amount of crypto will 
ever be
able to keep the vast majority of lard-assed schizophrenic cowards from making
enough mistakes to get caught or iced first.<<

Seems Im 'caught" already...only you don't know what to charge me 
with,there's no plea bargain blackmail BS here and I welcome a trial as 
free publicity for APster.Ice me and people will twig I was onto something 
big.Cleft stick girlfriend.

 >>And since the L-ASCs are likely to
make up a disproportionate percentage of the demand for such services, it's
probably not going to be as dire a situation as some people would like you to

Yeah,its amazing how little real demand there is.Its only dire for a 
few.Anonymous cowards like you are safe as houses.

 >>>>(Hint: This preceeded Jimbell by many years.)<< Speak of the devil.

I'm still trawling the archives and I'm pleasantly surprised by jims posts 
circa early 96.Ably supported by Vulis.Demonized by some govt garbage like 
jeff gordon and plonked by numbnuts May,precious about his spotlight,that's 

 >>>Fact is, many people have already earned killing. The only
 >>reason we cannot dispose of them is that liberal shits interfere with
Feds, Thugs, Overmen and L-ASCs alike: if you've given up on the idea of the
constitution and rule of law, the only thing in this world that could stop you
is your own personal sense of prudence. ~Faustine.<<

The united snakes Empire gave up on the constitution and rule of law,the 
penalty for that under crypto-anarchy is death by APster. Have a nice rest 
of your life.

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