Thread Index for the period of  2001.12.17-2001.12.23

Near top-CNN on remailers-

 >>...This does not invalidate my point - that such special treatment could 
a remop into legal problems. We have two different problems, with mutually
undesirable solutions. Peter Trei
ubject: CDR: RE: on Remailers
From: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 13:23:43 -0500
 >>...Typical Choate, missing the point. same thread-another post.same poster.

 >>...In fact, spammers currently *do* send mail encrypted to the remailers'
 > keys.  It's a pain in the ass trying to filter the damn stuff out.
 > Ben Xain
First I've heard that. Frankly, I'm suprised. One solution, which I've long 
advocated, is for the remailer to drop mail
which has an unencrypted body after it's applied it's decryption key. 
Provided this is an announced policy, substantially increases the
protection of the mail and the remop. It does mean that only people
capable of using encryption can receive mail via the remailer, but
that's probably a *good* thing. Peter Trei<<

So,peter's here,he's contributing and not concealing corporate vested 
interests,so far so good.

Few posts down

 >>CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
John Young
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Greg Newby
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Bill Stewart
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Luthor Blisset
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
John Young
Re: CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
<Possible follow-up(s)>
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Major Variola \(ret\)
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Nomen Nescio
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Re: CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
CDR: Re: Cypherpunk Ban,
Anonymous User.<<

Peter Trei may be "anonymouse" or Pseudynomous in this thread...or he slept 
through it,doesnt care,domestic/business emergency,other distraction,any 
number of excuses.Nowt wrong with that but then next week...

 >>If there's anything more annoying than a boring nut who takes
up 30% of the list volume, it's a boring nut who takes up 30%
of the list volume with plaigerized articles from other, much
more creative and intelligent nuts. This, of course, is -named recently 
persecuted list member- work, as published on Declan's
Politech list. Peter Trei<<

The mask slips,30% of the list appears to be one spam,(20/20) Did Trei 
complain about that? He absolutely endangered a comrades peace and security 
with his inattention/carelessnes/maliciousness.Take your pick in the 
absence of an explanation.He has ducked questions on this while bragging 
about his rapacious capitalist connections and now has the gall to try and 
sell conference tickets here like the lowest cheap spam.Fuck the rsa 
company and double fuck its low running dog,Peter Trei.

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