>>Interested. Sign me up. Marc de Piolenc<<

Comeback as yourself or anonymously (ricomended) and pledge to pay 1$ or 
equivalent Barter Unit of Money to pay the reasonable expenses of the 
person or persons unknown that most closely predicts the permanent 
retirement of ANY Govt employee.(especially forest grunts,this is soft 
drilling NOT jim approved AP)
There's 2$ on dick Armitage and a few hundred on Jeff gordon/robb London 
already but your welcome to "fork your own Distro". You may live in 
Argentina or Columbia for all I know.(or want to know.) I will try and 
match your bid and will certainly advertise it widely at 
This is an APster special OP to bust out Jim,then maybe chris 'the Falcon' 
Boyce and Leonard Peltier.If all goes well we should have all the drug war 
prisoners out by Xmas.Thanks for writing Marc, We are the champions my friend.

When cryptography is outlawed

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