On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If, as seems likely, the Argentinian economy makes an
> unplanned and prohibited coversion from pesos to dollars, in
> defiance of government policy, the likely result is that the
> value of the peso will drop to zero.

Actually the value of the government in power will drop to zero. If they
make the change then it simply means that the government will change once
again (the peso and their value is a irrelevant side issue). There will be
one of two results. The first, if the 'power' structure stays in place is
even more draconian approaches to solving their problem. The other, if the
'power' structure fails to follow the status quo is a more free market

The operable question:

What will the Argentinian military and police do if this attempt fails?


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