Aimee wrote: >I'm so damn mad, I can't even subscribe to a mailing 
list..... YEAH!!! THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!!!! <<

Idiotic Govt plants have to stick together I guess.

 >>But I have to admit I was rather hoping you'd come back anonymously to 
mix it up
and give everyone a little hell in the grand manner.<<

How do you know she didn't and she's incapable of giving hell in the grand 
or any other manner on the evidence presented.Still if it gives you a 
second banana.

  >>Oh well. You know, people around here just aren't the same without a 
sufficient number
of convenient targets to flatter their egotistical delusions about being
followed around <<

If they are egotistical or not is beside the point when evidence is given 
in 2 separate trials of Govt agents filing posts from this list,I'm being 
followed so close my laptop was stolen.

 >>by crack teams of Special Agents <<

Keystone KKKops more like it.On this list all we seem to have are their 
incompetent groupies,all the crack agents are on Al Quim duty.

 >>who find them so fascinating
they can't resist posting replies in their pet forums.<<

So you WANT to be a convenient target.OK.But you don't want to debate,study 
archive's or contribute anything other than Govt propaganda,sugar traps and 
implied threats.Hey Go and get Fucked.

  >>(Admitting you have a
research interest in people who think they're subjects of surveillance just
wasn't important enough, I guess.) <<

Researching rats is more interesting.Show us some of your double blind 
studies and Ill show you some blind rats.You wont piss anyone off telling 
anyone you are studying their paranoia while list members get picked off 
one by one.Oh no.They'll thank you for your kind attention! You are 
sadistic enough to be a scientist,too stupid though.

 >>You haven't missed much though.<<

Especially from faustine,I was the only one to try and talk to her about 
anything other than guns.She's sniffy about who she talks to.Dragging her coat?

  >>Did you know that a lard-assed elfare parasite<<

Most biology and all Got studies are parasiteology.some parasites aspire to 
be one that' fatal to their host.She cant be reffering to me as I'e got a 
cute butt.(looks like mel gibsons)

 >>arsonist lunatic<<

Shrub and Kyoto obviously.El Nino's back.Jeff Free"Luers is in for over 20 
years.What me worry.

  >>put a four-dollar bounty on your head a month or so ago? <<

I put 1proffr $ on rich Armitage,it was matched offlist and I asked for 
matching donations here.Nothing to do with Govt ss sluts like aimee 
fart,she's not worth 4c.If someone did put 4$ on the scrag,I will 
reluctantly match it because her posts are even more annoying and idiotic 
than faustines.

 >>I was
quite offended mine wasn't any higher--<<

Keep writing,its early days.No one here care's about you unless you talkin 

 >>but hey, coming from a nematode
leech <<

If she's talking about me,Ill bite her nipples off and rape her with a dry 
stick if it'll help demonstrate that I' not entirely all that.

 >>who's never going to act on any of his bullshit bluster anyway, <<

So,why mention him?*He*Who he? Tim May?

 >>I guess
that's as good as it gets.<<

Slim pickens on the entrapment scene,how sad.You fucking dirty birds will 
die a horrible death.

  >>He's not worth replying to--<<

Or mentioning.Tell Maurice,it could get him fired.If he finds out where you 
live it could get you killed.He's been to the US.

 >>but it is fun in a train
- -wreck sort of way to sit back and watch him dig himself in deeper: <<

Faustine likes train wrecks...she must have really got her rocks off on 
9-11.She wants a gun and believes in vigilantism.
Doesn't want to discuss politics,literature,sex,crypto-anarchy.Prefers to 
bitch,spout nonsense,spread FUD,Obfuscate more than spammeister May and 
generally create a nuisance.I will pay 5 proffr dollars to have her tied to 
a train track.
(I think she's subconsciously wants to pull a train,why else would a real 
women come here? I want fist go at her gape.)

"I have always been among those who believe that the greatest freedom of speech
was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool, the best thing to do is to
encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking."
- --Woodrow Wilson So welcome back to the conversation, actually. ;) ~Faustine.

The abyss talking to the abyss talking to the abyss.

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