Jim Choate forwarded:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:49 -0500
> From: "Arnold G. Reinhold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Outside of the good possibility that they might be quotations from
> Islamic religious texts, why would you think Arabic passwords are any
> easier to guess?

How many bits of entropy does each Arabic character contain? *  Written
Arabic has more total symbols than does English, but some are used only
rarely, so maybe there's less entropy in a passphrase of given length.
And maybe Arabic characters are more work on average to type than
English characters *; I'm not familiar with Arabic keyboard layouts, but
there are enough unique characters that chording or something must be
involved. If it's more work to type a 20-character Arabic passphrase,
maybe most users will settle for 10 characters.

* I'm not being lazy in asking rather than looking it up myself. At the
moment I have only email access, no web. I'll look these up if no one
posts the data by the time browsing is restored.


Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere     Have GNU, will travel

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