Woomera detainees sew lips in protest
Saturday 19 January 2002
More reports at our Immigration mini-site
At least 58 detainees at the Woomera detention centre have sewn their lips 
together and others have joined a hunger strike, the Immigration Department 
confirmed last night.
The people involved in the latest protest were believed to be angry about 
the length of time it had taken to process their applications for refugee 
status, the department said.
A department spokeswoman could not confirm when the detainees had sewn 
their lips together but said the hunger strike had started on Wednesday.
A security guard at the Woomera detention centre who tried to help a 
detainee who had attempted self-harm was injured when other detainees threw 
rocks at him, she said.
Buildings had also been damaged, she said.
The protest was the latest in a series of disturbances at the centre since 
late last year. Up to $2million damage occurred at Woomera when detainees 
set fire to buildings in December...More
And Pothibition Idiocies

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