Tim wrote:

> Personally, I think it would be a _good_ thing if a massively violent
> event were to cut the head off the snake. This would speed up the process.

>>Unfortunately, I don't believe that the current government would be
>>replaced by the one described in the constitution. Too many people
>>wouldn'tlike that.

Though the below passage is far more relevant to our pansy-left-anarchist
contingent than anyone else, I still think this bit from the 1972
masterwork "Things to Come" rings true.

You can always trust Herman Kahn to cut through the bullshit and tell

"Effective revolutionaries need intelligence, organization and discipline to
conduct effective propaganda, plan sucessful insurrections, and sieze and hold
power. What Trotsky unkindly called "the vegetarian left" and Orwell even more
unkindly called "the pansy left" noticibly lack these virtues. Even if a
humanist left leaning government were to come to power, perhaps in the guise
of a moderate liberal administration, its program could not be carried out
without inciting the mass of the nation against it, including the military, the
police and the national guard, and twenty million gun owners.

Some of the extreme elements recognise this. Their avowed strategy is to
promote disorder to incite backlash leading to facism. This is to expose
American repression to all thus uniting the masses for the revolution. By
waving their red flags, they hope to provoke the Establishment bull to charge
to its death. But they are matadors without swords. A fascist America would
wipe them out, together with their sympathisers and apologists, and since this
would necessarily have been provoked by terrorism and other assaults on the
public order and decency, the masses would cheer."


Anyone care to tell me why that doesnt apply now, more than ever?



"It may be that we shall by a process of sublime irony have reached a stage in
this story where safety will be the sturdy child of terror, and survival the
twin brother of annihilation."

- --Herman Kahn, 1955

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