Measl wrote:

>Truth is seldom funny.

Oh? I'm not so sure, actually. Ever hear of Schopenhauer's incongruity theory? He says 
that humor arises when the seemly and logical abruptly dissolves into
the low and absurd--the amused response is a recognition of incongruity between
representation and a concept; we encounter a situation where a particular
representation is "thought through" a concept which is in every other respect
incongruous with it. Thus, the sudden apprehension of the unexpected
incongruity produces an amused response.

Another interesting observation from Schopenhauer that Nietzsche took and ran
with: "humor as the only divine quality of man". Read what he had to say about
the Spirit of Gravity...here's another bit from Zarathustra:

"I bade them laugh at their great masters of virtue and saints and poets and
world-redeemers. I bade them laugh at their gloomy sages and at whoever had at
any time sat on the tree of life like a black scarecrow. For in laughter all
that is evil comes together, but is pronounced holy and absolved by its own

Something to think about. ;)



To be self-sufficient, to be all and all to oneself, to want for nothing is
assuredly the chief qualification for happiness.

- - Arthur Schopenhauer
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