> Seems to me, with full respect for your offline credentials, that
> not much of what you offer here is applicable.


Some of you have probably heard of the acronym RMA, for Revolution in
Military Affairs. The other side of the coin is a rapid succession of RRAs -
Revolutions in Revolutionary Affairs.

Certain forms of warfare require sanctuary. Today, the dimensions go beyond
terrain. In my eyes you are extremely unique, but it has little to do with
your political viewpoints. It has to do with my Reuleaux triangle of
sanctuary -- and where I plot you in it, attributing aims/capabilities to
you which you do not have. (Envision a Venn Diagram of representing domains
of sanctuary. In the Reuleaux triangle is a "safe zone" of sorts. Overlay
that with a serious of concentric circles - zones of threat. On the outside
of the circle are specific evolutionary pressures (threats) exerting
influence. I could go on, it's more complicated, but nobody's interested --
it's neither 'applicable,' nor earth-shattering.)

Defenses force political change agendas closer to, or inside of, the
Reuleaux triangle. At the very center, your opponent is rendered blind,
defenseless and irrelevant. It's been done. Some of our traditional foes
have experience with this type of strategy, and People's War concepts in
general. In some hostile countries, because of advances in political
defenses, we will have to identify, and operate in the Reuleaux triangle.
Western societies don't do well with that -- we rarely understand their
cultural sphere.

I didn't want to unnerve any of you, by placing a improper spin on
discussion forum talking about the effects of crypto on society. (More
importantly, I didn't want to add to Tim's "lines of thinking" -- or credit
his ego. It's big enough.) My interest in you wasn't related to "law" at
all, but 4GW. As far as my being some sort of a snitch, I suggested that. I
was interested in seeing any subformal warning network, and I was playing
with my "lines of vulnerability."


I'll leave you alone, if you leave me alone.

I'm sorry that I made you angry. Tim made me mad.


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