Tomb it may concern,A couple of odd stories on TV last year.During the year 
it came out that Singapore was set to take over the main satellite for 
AU-US traffic,this set some hares running and Kerry Stokes,the owner of 
channel 7 here went on record as being vehemently opposed,threatening a 
huge stink at the up coming election and so on.Come election time he was 
MIA.The loss of aussie TV rights may have had something to do with this.His 
networks foundering,losing ratings to the others,pay TV and the 
web.Presumably the inscrutable and authoritarian singaporeze have open 
slather to read our e-mail and may prescribe the odd caning.
The other odd story was one on SBS just before the election.Jana Wendt,who 
used to be a 60 minutes,(or 40 mins) reporter.SBS stands for special 
broadcasting service,btw,and is a niche,"ethnic,"broadcaster,much loved by 
many down under.Jana anchors a doco show called Dateline and this 
particular episode featured Ari ben-menashe.Need no intro to youse I'm sure.
He was on about Perth,WA being used as part of the Iran-contra arms pump.1 
million was reported paid by ollies boys to local yokel ALP pollies.(au 
labor party politicians) No real proof supplied so it sunk without a 
trace.It was so close to the election though,you have to wonder about CIA 
activity.Possibly the most blatant since 1975.
Nowt else to report at the minute except probable overheating in the 
companies crypto shacks down here and Wackenhutt running amok with a 
veritable kangaroo gulag being built by their subsidiary CCA.
All the best mattd,international arms trafficker,cypherpunk and 

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