On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Ken Brown wrote:

> I have neither a driving licence (I don't drive) nor a credit card,
> which made visiting the USA interesting. But I did have id because you
> lot wouldn't have let me in without a passport. Does that not apply to
> Mexicans any more? Or am I missing a subtext which implies that these
> are illegal immigrants? (A category of person that I guess libertarians
> and anarchists ought to be very much in favour of, as they are going
> about their business with no licence from the State).

Mexicans, Canadians, and the residents of some of the islands of Caribe
can enter the US without a passport.  Presumably many Mexicans don't have
one because of cost(?).  US banks are notorious for resisting opening
accounts for non residents even though there is nothing to prevent them
from doing so,  Provincial.

> Ken Brown (Bike-riding British Christian Socialist - that makes me sound
> almost like a Canadian...)

Not with Christian in the description.  Canada is officially irreligious
these days.  Note that the US and UK memorial services on 14 September
were held in Cathedrals and featured prayers and hymns.  The Canadian one
was not in a church and had no religious trappings.


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