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Faustine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
>From: Michael Motyka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I agree; fascinating stuff. Here's a paragraph on deviousness and psychopathy
>as an adaptive trait you might find interesting:
(snip paragraph)
>Looks like some people around here are ahead of the curve. 
>"subspecimens of humanity", now there's a thought...
>>Nonsense. It sounds more like a play to a political audience than to a
>>scientific one. 

To an audience of research psychiatrists: the former playing at the latter...

>>Part of an engine for classifying dissenters and sending
>>them to the gulags rather than a scholarly work.

It's still hilarious though. Offered for your consideration as a counterpart to
the recently-offered news story on the study that "proves" humans had very good
reasons to evolve into vindictive conformist sheep.  

(insert spherical chicken parable here)

>I've seen plucking machines that worked very efficiently and the
>chickens were conventional, not spherical. I bet the guys who made them
>work were better at solving problems than those who tried and failed to
>bring a machine to market.

True, one would hope no spherical chicken pluckers made it to market. Unless
the DoD put out a RFP for one, that is. Wouldn't put it past em. There could be
a whole warehouse of Defense Department spherical chicken pluckers piled to the
ceiling somewhere for all I know... LOL

>Though you're right that it's vitally important to find an elegant solution to
>your problem, gotta watch out for those spherical chickens. I would have
>thought the thing to do next is choose a range of actual drill bits capable of
>drilling plutonium, note their properties and create a table of values by
>working through the equation that way. Oh well. 

>>It's a geometry problem not a metal shop problem. 

Geometry first, sure. Without the fundamentals you're lost...but I realized that
for no good reason at all I decided to take your answer and turn it into a
decision analysis problem--hence the table of values and need for a range of
drill bit specs. Showing my bias, I guess.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

Thomas Paine

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