> Ha! How would any of us mere mortals know, since some of the very most
> arcane,
> sophisticated and advanced work done in simulation today is 100% classified 
> DARPA research. And by the way, if you assume they have bottom-quartile
> donutchompers doing that sort of work at Sandia and elsewhere, you've got

Rumour has it that They can now with p=0.9 simulate USA in 60-ties due to
abundance of data. Kennedy always gets killed, as often in that car as in the
plane crash.

Simulation accuracy for the present is 0.62 because real-time data aquisition
sets the limit, and expected to rise to 0.95 when feeds from MAE nodes are
completed. Think Department of Peventive Justice.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions! 

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