List relevence: 1st amend, state licensing of the press, inconsistant application of 

                     FCC Faces First Amendment Charge

                     By Associated Press 

                     NEW YORK -- A New York poet is suing the

                     Federal Communications Commission, claiming

                     the agency violated her First Amendment rights

                     when it deemed one of her songs indecent and

                     fined a radio station for playing it. 

                     The 1999 song, "Your Revolution," didn't include

                     any of the seven words prohibited by the FCC

                     but it contained vivid sexual imagery. 

                     Poet Sarah Jones said she was surprised by the

                     ruling because she wrote the song as a criticism of

                     the degradation of women in hip-hop. Her

                     lawsuit, filed in federal court Tuesday, asks the

                     court to overturn the FCC ruling and seeks an

                     injunction against a $7,000 fine the FCC imposed

                     on Portland, Ore., radio station KBOO-FM for

                     airing the song. 

                     The station contested the fine in July, but no

                     action has been taken, said Jones' lawyer, Lisa


                     The FCC declined to comment on the case. In

                     the past year, the agency has come under scrutiny for what some 
say is

                     inconsistent enforcement of its policies. 

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