On Friday, February 1, 2002, at 11:09  AM, D. A. Honig wrote:

>> Some day in the future, maybe a year from now, you may have a "trusted
>> traveler" card. Congress wants it, the airlines need it and security
>> experts endorse it.
>> The benefits appear clear. With a tool to separate the wheat from the
> So does an attack.  Befriend someone with such a card, give
> her a gift with well hidden, unscented plastique and a barometric
> detonator.  After some time she takes her planned flight and gets only a
> cursory exam.  She neglects to mention the gift she's carrying (they 
> don't
> even ask the 2 security questions reliably, any more, anyway).
> It worked over Lockerbie, it'll work again.  The Lockerbie carrier
> had the equivalent of a "trusted traveller" card --she was a white
> woman.

WASHINGTON, D.C., (Routers) -- Attorney General John Ashcroft today 
announced more details of the "Trustee" program for Trusted Citizens. 
"Trustees are those who have show their trustworthiness by voluntarily, 
with no compulsion, providing their government with such information as 
detailed lists of their reading materials, lists of their friends, 
access to their Internet surfing histories, and medial and psychiatric 
record waivers," he told a press conference today at the Hoover 
Building. He emphasized that becoming a Trustee is completely voluntary, 
that those who wish to remain outside the system are free to face the 
soldiers with M-16s, free to have their bags checked for contraband 
novels, and free to be denied permission to travel because of membership 
in disloyal groups like Greenpeace and the ACLU.

Ashcroft pointed out that Trustees would receive preferential treatment 
at airports, railways, and bus terminals, reducing the amount of 
check-in time from the new 4-hour arrival before departure to just 30 
minutes prior to departure. "Those who don't wish to apply for the 
Trustee certification are perfectly free to arrive at the airport 4 
hours prior to scheduled departure. We are not holding a gun to their 
head. Of course, they may receive the scrutiny and strip searches our 
laws require for suspicious persons."

In a related move, 37 states have already announced that they will be 
using the Trustee card for expedited processing of driver's license 
renewals, property tax payments, jury duty identification, and other 
official state business. As Myra Waxwing, Director of Ohio's Public 
Safety Bureau pointed out, "If they don't have a Trustee card we think 
they must have something to hide. We are not requiring this card, but 
they can expect to spend an extra few hours renewing their driver's 

--Tim May, Citizen-unit of of the once free United States
" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood 
of patriots & tyrants. "--Thomas Jefferson, 1787

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